Direct Access to Dynamic, Independent Private Practices in the Best Locations

Bethesda Emergency Associates
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Bethesda Emergency Associates | Bethesda, Maryland

Bethesda Emergency Associates was founded in 2001. We are a group of experienced and board certified emergency physicians.

We have provided emergency medical services to the Suburban Hospital community for nearly two decades and our goal is to continue this skilled and caring service for Bethesda and surrounding communities for decades to come.

BEA is proud to work collaboratively with the National Institutes of Health providing state of the art, cutting edge care of stroke patients, and with John Hopkins University providing intervention for patients with acute heart attack. We work with the Maryland Trauma System as the Trauma Center for Montgomery County. We also work with our Pediatric Colleagues providing child centered emergency care, utilizing a multitude of other specialists supporting outstanding emergency, outpatient and inpatient care.


Our #1 Priority is a Quick Diagnosis and Immediate, Effective Treatment for Each Patient

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