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EMrecruits Blog

2014 AANP National Conference, Nashville, TN - June 17-22, 2014

Posted by Jillian Roberson, Recruitment & Marketing Specialist

7/10/14 8:43 AM

Winner Announced! | 2014 AANP National Conference, Nashville, TN - June 17-22, 2014

2014 AANP National Conference Nashville
We were very happy to see a great turnout this year at the AANP National Conference. Lori Carlyle and Chase Gallatin, of EMrecruits, returned to the office very excited to have had so many in depth conversations about our current openings for nurse practitioners within our groups across the country.

Not only was the conference a wonderful academic and exhibiting opportunity, but it was also a chance to be surrounded by the music and history of Nashville, TN!  We hope you were able to enjoy some of the same great cultural and musical experiences our recruiting team enjoyed while there...but sure to check out our list of the Top 10 Unique Things to Do in Nashville before your next visit!

Another great aspect of exhibiting is that we get to give some pretty awesome stuff away.  We hope you are all enjoying your EMrecruits aluminum water bottles and pens!  The real prize though is the GoPro HERO3 Action Camera.  We are happy to announce that the winner is...

Traci Jones of North Muskegon, MI

If you weren’t the winner this time around, don’t worry!  We’ll be attending numerous conferences in 2014 and next time it could be you walking away with our prize!

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Topics: Conferences