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EMrecruits Blog

2014 ACEP Scientific Assembly | Fremont Emergency Services

Posted by Jillian Roberson, Recruitment & Marketing Specialist

12/5/14 7:00 AM

Winner Announced! | 2014 ACEP Scientific Assembly

Fremont Emergency Services (FES), along with our sister company Advanced Care Emergency Services (ACES), was once again very excited to be an exhibitor at the ACEP Scientific Assembly! The turnout of emergency medicine physicians and residents this year in Chicago was fantastic and our team felt the conference was an overwhelming success after having had so many in depth conversations with everyone that came by the booth - in total we had the opportunity to speak with nearly 400 physicians and residents during the three days of exhibiting.

Conferences are always a wonderful academic and exhibiting opportunity, but we enjoy the opportunity to give some pretty cool stuff away. Along with the popular aluminum water bottles we handed out, those that came by our booth were also entered into our giveaway for an Apple Gift Card with a value equal to a New iPhone 6. We are happy to announce that the winner is...

John Kim of Toledo, OH
If you weren’t the winner this time around, don’t worry!  Our client partner, EMrecruits, will be attending numerous conferences in 2015 and are currently available to discuss our emergency medicine physician jobs in Las Vegas, Nevada and Bullhead City, Arizona.  

Who is FES? 

las vegasOur Mission is to practice the highest quality evidence based Emergency Medicine with an emphasis on Compassion, Dedication, Collaboration and Professionalism.

Our Vision is to build a culture of quality care that exceeds the expectations of our patients through innovative yet consistent practice that enables us to be the leader in emergency healthcare.

We currently staff six facilities in Nevada:

  • Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center - since July 2008
  • St. Rose Dominican Hospital - Rose de Lima - since July 2013
  • Mountain View Hospital - since February 1996
  • St. Rose Dominican Hospital - San Martin - since July 2013
  • Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center - since March 2004
  • St. Rose Dominican Hospital - Siena - since July 2013
We Are Locally Owned & Managed
mountain view hospital las vegasThe advantage of local physician ownership, as opposed to a national contract group, is that a contract group has a ‘one-way or no way’ approach to serving clients. Being locally physician owned, our practice can decide what is best for the emergency department. This includes patient satisfaction, improvements in productivity, promoting better communication and managing utilization. Concentrated focus on these areas makes us more efficient, improves our quality and decreases our risk. You benefit by being part of a local, privately owned group of dedicated physicians with access to cutting edge trends in emergency medicine.

Learn More About FES

Topics: Conferences