Winner Announced! | 2014 Michigan Emergency Medicine Residents Assembly, Howell, MI - August 19, 2014
We were very happy to see a great turnout this year at the 2014 Michigan Residents Assembly. Robert Anson, of EMrecruits, was very excited to have had so many in depth conversations about our current openings with so many emergency medicine residents. We'd like to extend a special thank you to our client, Emergency Medical Associates (EMA), for inviting us to attend this event with them.
Conferences are always a wonderful academic and exhibiting opportunity, but another great aspect of exhibiting is that we get to give some pretty awesome stuff away. We hope you are all enjoying your EMrecruits aluminum water bottles and pens! The real prize though is the GoPro HERO3 Action Camera. We are happy to announce that the winner is...
Jennifer Maccagnano of Ann Arbor, MI
If you weren’t the winner this time around, don’t worry! We’ll be attending numerous conferences in 2014 and next time it could be you walking away with our prize!
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