He Did It Again... @medicalaxioms Strikes Gold with #ThatOhNoFeeling
It's been a couple of fun weeks on Twitter. Last week #SpecialtiesIn6Words blew up on Twitter and this week Dr. Mark Reed struck gold again with #ThatOhNoFeeling. As someone who engages on social media on a regular basis, I'm rather impressed with @medicalaxoims ability to come up with these so regularly...can he continue the trend?
The clever hashtag challenges healthcare providers to share the experiences that make their hearts sink. Whether it's an unfortunate situation, a less than ideal encounter, or a momentary lapse in memory, these tweets capture all the moments you may think "oh no!"
You can find the complete feed here, but we've picked out a few of our favorites to help break up the day. So once again, without further adieu...
Top 5 #ThatOhNoFeeling Healthcare Tweets