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Ohio Emergency Medicine Physician Awarded Top ACEP Honor

Posted by Jillian Roberson, Recruitment & Marketing Specialist

7/13/15 3:22 PM

Ohio Emergency Medicine Physician Awarded Top ACEP Honor

Columbus, OH - Earlier this year,  at the Emergency Medicine Leadership Forum, the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, (Ohio ACEP) was pleased to present the 2015 Emergency Physician Medical Education Award to an outstanding physician educator, Michael A.Policastro, MD, FACEP, FACMT.

Michael_Policastro_QESIDr. Policastro is an emergency physician employed by Qualified Emergency Specialists, Inc. (QESI) in Cincinnati, OH.  QESI provides emergency services to five facilities the Cincinnati area. 

The Emergency Physician Medical Education Award was established to recognize contributions to education in the field of Emergency Medicine. The honor is bestowed upon an emergency physician who will have exhibited exemplary teaching skills, implemented an exceptional educational program, and/or developed an innovative teaching model.

Dr. Policastro has been tireless in his commitment to educating other emergency physicians and emergency care providers. His diligent work has kept his colleagues on the cutting edge of Emergency Medicine, has changed the group’s practice, and improved patient care in a number of ways.

Dr. Policastro regularly teaches and mentors medical students, nurses, residents, and advanced practice providers. In addition to his popular lectures on wide-ranging topics, this dedicated emergency physician is known for making the time to teach and guide at all hours of the day, even when others are not available. His passion for teaching extends to pre-hospital care as well, as he has taken on the responsibility of educating QESI's community pre-hospital and EMS personnel.

In the letter nominating Dr. Policastro for the Emergency Physician Medical Education Award, Chief Clinical Officer of QESI, Dr. Phillip Oblinger, praised Dr. Policastro’s efforts, saying, “In over 30 years in the practice of Emergency Medicine, I have seen few teachers like Dr. Policastro… He is truly dedicated to the education of our current and future generations of emergency physicians.”

Interested in working alongside Dr. Michael A. Policastro and his colleagues at Qualified Emegency Specialists, Inc? Contact EMrecruits at 877-379-1088 or send your CV to

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