The EMrecruits Weekly | February 10, 2015
Top Emergency Medicine News and Updates
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Emergency Department Evaluation of Blunt Orbital Trauma
from EM Resident
More than 2.5 million eye injuries occur each year. According to information gleaned from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), there were 636,619 emergency department visits related to eye injuries in 2008, representing an average of 1,744 ED visits daily. Blunt orbital trauma is a significant cause of ocular morbidity and among the common preventable causes of monocular blindness in developed countries...
Frostbite: How to Classify and Treat It
from EP Monthly
Frostbite is a freezing injury of peripheral tissues. It is characterized by extracellular crystal formation and micro-vascular thrombi that lead to localized cell death and inflammation, placing the digits or limbs involved at risk for amputation...
How Interprovider Communication in the ED Affects More than What You Think
from EM Resident
Medicine is full of communication. We must communicate effectively with our patients and with other professionals on the care team. Duty-hour limits have also increased the number of shift-to-shift handoffs among residents and trainees, making communication even more critical...
The One Financial Move Every Young EP Needs to Make in 2015
from EP Monthly
A sit down with Dr. Greg Henry and Dr. Setu Mazumdar to discuss the most important strategy for financial success: Thinking ahead...
Georgia Joins Ranks of States Supporting Naloxone Use in Overdose Cases
from ACEP Now
A relatively new Georgia law provides amnesty for people who show up to emergency departments to receive treatment for a drug overdose, and it’s getting some backing from the Georgia College of Emergency Physicians...
Brain Storm: Treating Acure Stroke and its Mimics
from EM Resident
A 38-year-old African American male abruptly develops left anterior chest pain followed seconds later with left arm and leg weakness while waiting at a bus station at 13:45. He arrives via EMS at 14:30, at which time he reports steady chest pain, loss of left-side motor and sensory function, and loss of vision in his left eye. He denies any loss of consciousness or recent trauma...
HIPAA / HITECH are Enforcing More Fines that are Physician-Centric
from EMrecruits
During a IT update presentation at the 2014 PSR Leadership Conference, the following image was shown to illustrate various examples of physician-centric fines that HIPAA / HITECH violations are cracking down on...
American Medical Association Ethics Code Helps Emergency Physicians Make Tough Decisions
from ACEP Now
Just another day in your busy emergency department, except that today one of your patients ended up having a lumbar puncture positive for bacterial meningitis. You intubated the patient and were well within the three-foot radius for droplet exposure. You know that you need a single dose of ciprofloxacin and then you can safely go home to your family and friends...