The Keys to Successful Emergency Medicine Physician Interviewing | On-site Interview Planning
Last month EMrecruits discussed the importance of Telephone Interviewing by suggesting the key things to remember to ensure a great first impression. Now we take a look at the next step in our 7-Step Guide to Successful Interviewing: On-site Interview Planning.
Step 4 | On-site Interview Planning: Preparation is Worth Your Time
Congratulations – you’ve made it this far! Now it’s time to do final preparation to ensure a successful on-site interview.
Do your homework. Remember there is always competition for a good opportunity. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be for you to stand out against the competition.
Confirm your Itinerary. Make sure you have accurate directions and phone numbers, in case of problems.
Dress professionally. You do not have a second chance to make a first impression. You should wear a conservative suit, and have a neat and well- groomed appearance.
Be on time. Employers look for emotionally mature adults with sound, rational judgment. Your prompt arrival indicates your interest in the opportunity.
Bring an updated copy of your Curriculum Vitae, along with names, addresses and phone numbers of your references.
Concentrate on being yourself and finding out if this position is for you. (If you impress them, then the likelihood of an offer will naturally increase).
What is your need/want list? Realistic needs versus wants for geography, call coverage, salary, community, family needs, etc.
There is no such thing as a perfect opportunity. Be careful - If you look for everything on your wish list, you may miss the best opportunity by searching for something that doesn't exist.
Never make it only about money on the first interview; you will appear money-motivated. If asked what kind of offer you are looking for, your response should be, "I will consider your strongest offer." This will prevent you from giving a figure that is too high or too low.
You have no decision to make until you have an offer. Your goal in any interview is to get an offer. Ask about the timeline and process of extending offers.
Next Time - Face to Face Interviewing: On-Site Interview Do's and Don'ts