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Top 10 Qualities To Be An Awesome Well-Rounded Nurse via Nurse Mendoza

Posted by Jillian Roberson, Recruitment & Marketing Specialist

10/13/15 9:47 AM

Top 10 Qualities To Be An Awesome Well-Rounded Nurse via Nurse Mendoza

nurse mendoza great nurse qualitiesAre you currently in nursing school and wondering what qualities will help you standout from the crowd? Below is advice from Nurse Mendoza, a registered nurse, Scrubs Magazine Nurseonality, and contributor on TheDoctors.

He uses his following on TwitterInstagram, and YouTube to educate and help future nursing students and/or present nurses by sharing his experiences ranging from telemetry/medsurge/recovery to critical care.

We think the qualities he offers below, in his personal Top 10 Qualities to be an Awesome Well-Rounded Nurse, are great qualities that all providers should focus on and remember.

  1. Communication Skills - Having solid communication skills to be on top of your game by making sure patients are clearly understood by being an advocate.
  2. Empathy - We have to understand that patients are going through their own pain and suffering, so learning to recognize this will improve your overall patient care.
  3. Flexibility - You have to go with the flow in regards to long 12 hour shifts. Nurses work late overnight, because patient care and safety comes first.Nurse Mendoza Great Nurse Qualities
  4. Interpersonal Skills - This one is Nurse Mendoza's favorite! Before he was a RN, he was a server for 5 years. In return, this helped his understanding of how to deal with a variety of people, their personalities and attitudes.
  5. Quick Response - You always have to be on your toes in every emergency situation. Be calm, cool, and collected, and expect the unexpected.
  6. Physical Endurance - You're going to be moving and grooving for frequent physician tasks. You'll be transferring patients and/or standing for long periods of time while charting or assisting the MD the a bedside procedure.
  7. Respect - Always respect the wishes of patients and your while faculty staff. Remember nurses who respect others are highly respected in return.
  8. Emotional Stability - This is a stressful career where traumatic situations may arise. You have to be strong and have the ability to accept what may occur as a nurse.
  9. Attention to Detail - Did you read that properly? Every great nurse has to pay attention to detail and should never skip steps. The consequences can be the difference between life and death. 
  10. Problem Solving Skills - Know your Critical Care skills or follow your intuition, or gut feeling. It's usually right.

This Top 10 list was originally featured by @nursemendoza on Instagram. It was used on our blog with permission.


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