Winner Announced! | 2015 SAEM Annual Meeting
The 2015 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, wrapped up on May 15, 2015.
This was the first time EMrecruits exhibited at SAEM and we were blown away by the number of attendees. In addition to the fabulous keynote speakers, we think it's safe to say that everyone had a fabulous time at the FUND Run, dodgeball tournament, and other events that were planned. The #SAEM15 conversation was fun to follow and we enjoyed getting to interact with a few of you.
Many of you showed interest is the opportunities we represent and we look forward to continuing the conversation now that the meeting has ended. We also had a great deal of interest in registering for our giveaway of a GoPro HERO4 Camera! We are excited to announce that the winner is…
Justin Hall of Omaha, NE
If you weren’t the winner this time around, don’t worry! We’ll be attending numerous conferences in 2015, including ACEP in Boston this upcoming October - Booth 715. Next time it could be you walking away with our prize!
Where will we be next? Find out now by viewing our 2015 Emergency Medicine Conference Schedule!
Where will we be next? Find out now by viewing our 2015 Emergency Medicine Conference Schedule!