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EMrecruits Blog

What March Madness Tells You About Your Emergency Medicine Career

Posted by Jillian Roberson, Recruitment & Marketing Specialist

3/20/15 11:04 AM

What March Madness Tells You About Your Emergency Medicine Career

March Madness is in full swing and despite multiple upsets in Thursday's second round games, there's still plenty to be cheering for - even if your bracket is completely busted.

ncaa-basketballWhen you sit down with friends over the next few weeks to cheer on your favorite college basketball team, indulge in some wings, and beverage of your choice, consider this... the team you're rooting for could be an indicator to discovering the perfect emergency medicine group for you!

Wait what?! We know it sounds crazy... March Madness somehow giving you clarity to where you should start, or in many cases, further your career in emergency medicine, however, we think it makes complete sense for the following reason.

Chances are you cheer for a particular college basketball team for one of two reasons: you went to school there or you grew up in the area. Many emergency medicine physicians consider both of these factors when selecting the location of a job, so without further ado....

Your Perfect Emergency Medicine Job According to Your March Madness Team

Each of the emergency medicine groups we partner with are independent, physician-owned practices that own contracts with the facilities for which they provide emergency services. As democratic groups, you can anticipate having your voice heard within each of these practices and many offer the opportunity to take on leadership roles - even partnership!

You will discover that our client partners offer a wide range of practice settings, compensation models and employment statuses. We're confident that no matter what you are looking for you can find your perfect match with one of our client partners - and be close to your favorite NCAA basketball team!  

EMrecruits provides recruiting services to each of the emergency medicine groups below, in addition to a full scope of business services through our parent company, Practice Support Resources (PSR). Simply follow the links below to learn more about each group we represent:

1. San Diego State - UC Irvine - UCLA:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in California

2. Georgetown:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in D.C.

3. Iowa - Iowa State - UNI:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in Iowa

4. Maryland:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in Maryland

5. Michigan State:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in Michigan

6. Duke - Davidson - N. Carolina - N. Carolina State:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in North Carolina

7. Cincinnati - Dayton - Ohio State - Xavier:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in Ohio

8. Coastal Carolina - Wofford:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in South Carolina

9. Baylor - Texas - SFA - SMU - Texas Southern:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in Texas

10. Hampton:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in Virginia

11. Gonzaga - Eastern Washington:  Look for Emergency Medicine Jobs in Washington

Looking for a Job?  Get Started with EMrecruits!

Topics: Lifestyle, Career Advancement