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EMrecruits Blog

Top 5 Reasons to Practice Emergency Medicine in Texas

Posted by Jillian Roberson, Recruitment & Marketing Specialist

3/25/15 1:45 PM

Top 5 Reasons to Practice Emergency Medicine in Texas

texasflagWhat's not to love about Texas? The Lone Star State offers some fantastic Tex-Mex, vibrant entertainment destinations, warm weather, and a booming economy.

The Texas College of Emergency Physicians (TCEP) is a state chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the organization is composed of over 2,050 emergency physicians in Texas who practice in a wide variety of settings.
EMrecruits will be exhibiting at this year's TCEP and looks forward to another opportunity to meet with Texas-licensed - or soon-to-be licensed - emergency physicians.  Be sure to come by the EMrecruits booth during exhibiting hours to learn more about the fourteen (14) emergency medicine physician groups in Texas that we partner with - you can find a complete list at the end of this post.

Our team of experienced recruiters would love to learn more about your needs and desires in a new emergency medicine career, as well as, introduce you to the emergency medicine jobs in Texas that we represent. We are confident that among our client partners, we will have an opportunity that will meet your needs in location, practice setting, quality of life, and compensation.
Still not convinced? We've put together the following top 5 list of the best reasons to practice emergency medicine in Texas. These reasons, as well as the democratic culture of the groups we represent, make our opportunities ones that you don't want to miss!

The Top 5 Reasons to Practice Emergency Medicine in Texas

1. No State Income Tax

Keep more of your money in your pocket. Living and working in a state with no income tax allow you to receive all your wage earnings that would otherwise be deducted. There's evidence to also support that zero-income-tax states grow faster and create more jobs. (Source: Townhall Finance)
2. Medical Liability / Tort Reform

In 2003, Texas enacted laws to set a $250,000 cap on non-economic damages (pain and suffering, loss of consortium, mental anguish). As a part of medical liability reform in Texas, in order to find a physician providing emergency medical services guilty of negligence, the claimant must show that the doctor acted with willful and wanton negligence. Willful and wanton negligence is defined as gross negligence. This is extremely difficult to prove and is one of the primary reasons for the decrease in medical liability cases against emergency medicine physicians in Texas. (Source: EMRA)

3. Low Cost of Living in Texas

We spend a lot of time in this state talking about affordability, costs of living, and income distribution. These are fascinating topics, but “affordability” means different things to different people, and it means different things depending on the stage of your life you’re in. On average, however, the cost of living in Texas is 10% lower than the rest of the United States (Source: Sperling's Best Places) and for someone making over $200,000 a year, pretty much everywhere is going to be awesome for you (Source: Texas Monthly).

4. Among the Highest Compensation Averages

Emergency medicine physicians in the South Central states of Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma consistently report some of the highest compensation averages. In Texas, this is in part due to many physician groups utilizing independent contractors to fill openings within their groups. Independent contractors on average earn somewhat more than employed physicians. (Source: Medscape)

5. Warm Weather - almost year round

With the harsh winters the Midwest and Northeast has been facing recently, it's no surprise that more and more people are flocking to the south for warmer weather. Although summers get a little hotter, Texas offers comfortable temperatures throughout most months of the year. In some cities you'll even witness weekend patio gatherings - or as we loving refer to it, brunch - occurring as early as February! Clear skies are also the norm, with sunshine for at least 60 percent of the time on a yearly average.

Explore Our Current Openings

Check Out Our Emergency Medicine Physician Groups in Texas:

Beaumont Emergency Medicine Associates - Beaumont, TX    
Basin Emergency Physicians - Odessa, TX  
Cypress Emergency Associates - Cypress, TX  
Emergigroup Physician Associates - Houston, TX  
emerge Physicians - New Braunfels, TX  
Innovative Emergency Medicine - Dallas, TX  
Innovative Emergency Physicians of Frisco - Frisco, TX  
Leading Edge Medical Associates - Longview, TX  
Lakeway Regional Emergency Physicians - Austin, TX  
Midland Emergency Medicine - Midland, TX  
Quality Emergency Services - Houston, TX  
Titanium Emergency Group - Wichita Falls, TX  
Texoma Emergency Physicians - Denison, TX  
Tomball Regional Emergency Physician Associates - Tomball, TX

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