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EMrecruits Blog

The EMrecruits Weekly | December 16, 2014

Posted by Jillian Roberson, Recruitment & Marketing Specialist

12/16/14 10:03 AM

The EMrecruits Weekly | December 16, 2014

Top Emergency Medicine News and Updates

Explore the top stories in emergency medicine news via our weekly newsletter below. Don't forget to visit our career site as well for a complete listing of our available emergency medicine careers.  

MRIA Costly Anomaly on a Brain MRI

Kevin Davis' personal account of how an anomaly on a first look MRI cost thousands of dollars in unneeded treatments. He shares his experience of how this costly mistake effected him long-term.

Mary Free Bed Partners with Sparrow Hospital to Add Additional Beds
from EMrecruits

This is a great gain for Sparrow Hospital, in Lansing, Michigan, and physicians with Emergency Medical Associates (EMA) will benefit from expansion in the hospital where they provide emergency services.

Are Millennial Doctors Ready for 21st Century Medicine?

Davis Liu, MD, shares his personal opinion on how millennial doctors are educated and how that effects their preparedness for life after residency.  Is learning experience and environment as good or better than generations ago? 

EMRMedical Scribes are a Solution to Click Overload

Kathleen Myers, MD, takes a unique look into the effects of electronic medical records (EMRs) on the physician-patient experience and how the addition of scribes can effect it. 

Dr. Michael Gerardi | Know the Difference Between 'Urgent' and 'Emergency'

With the growing trend of urgent care centers popping up across the country, the lines between what should be considered 'urgent' and 'emergency' are becoming more blured for patients. Dr. Gerardi, of the American College of Emergency Physicians, takes a look at the issue.

11 Common Interview Questions that are Actually Illegal

Vivian Giang shares the 11 most common questions you may be asked during an interview that are actually illegal.  Discover what to listen for, why it's illegal, and how you can address the questions in a professional manner.  

Young Physicians Section Board of Directors Election
from AAEM

Here's your chance to submit your AAEM Young Physician Section (TPS) nominations!  The nomination period opens in the fall each year and this year YPS nominations will be accepted from December 8 - December 30, 2014.  Self nominations are allowed and encouraged.  Submit yours today.

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photo credit: Reigh LeBlanc via photopin cc

photo credit: Yann Ropars via photopin cc
photo credit: flazingo_photos via photopin cc

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