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EMrecruits Blog

The EMrecruits Weekly | January 13, 2015

Posted by Jillian Roberson, Recruitment & Marketing Specialist

1/13/15 7:30 AM

The EMrecruits Weekly | January 13, 2015

Top Emergency Medicine News and Updates

Explore the top stories in emergency medicine news via our weekly newsletter below. Don't forget to visit our career site as well for a complete listing of our available emergency medicine careers.  

Some hospitals employing physicians see greater losses
from Modern Healthcare

Hospitals and health systems have been rapidly employing physicians to help meet the goals of healthcare reform, but the integration has been far from smooth, a new report notes.

ohio-emergency-room-visitsIncrease in Ohio emergency room visits closely watched in wake of Affordable Care Act
from NewsNet5 Cleveland

A series of studies examining the link between an increase in emergency room visits across Ohio and the Affordable Care Act reveals conflicting results.

Hospitals win in states that chose Medicaid expansion
from NPR

When the Affordable Care Act passed, many people focused on the law's creation of marketplaces to help the uninsured buy coverage, but the law also greatly expanded the number of people eligible for Medicaid. States had the choice whether or not to go along with the expansion after the Supreme Court ruled that the law couldn't compel them to do it.

Multiple pay cuts hit doctors in 2015
from Forbes

A flurry of pay cuts for doctors hit January 1, 2015, as physicians struggle to implement electronic health records, deal with new measurements to improve quality and deal with myriad changes in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement formulas.

affordable-care-act-provisions-2015Several Affordable Care Act provisions to take effect in 2015
from California Healthline

Several provisions of the Affordable Care Act are expiring or taking effect for the first time in 2015, which could pose challenges.

The keys to successful emergency medicine physician interviewing | post interview communication
from EMrecruits 

It is always a good idea to initiate the communication process after the interview. A significant amount of time from all parties has been invested up to this point.  Your final interaction will help seal the deal, or could potentially knock you out of consideration. 

Improving patient access through public-private partnerships
from R&D 

Emerging markets are faced with the challenges of ensuring access to innovative, personalized treatments for patients with critical or rare conditions, while on a broader level, these markets are navigating methods to enhance their manufacturing and distribution networks. Together, these compounding barriers produce significant challenges for patient access to life-saving or life-sustaining treatments.

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