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The EMrecruits Weekly | March 31, 2015

Posted by Jillian Roberson, Recruitment & Marketing Specialist

3/31/15 7:30 AM

The EMrecruits Weekly | March 31, 2015

Top Emergency Medicine News and Updates

Explore the top stories in emergency medicine news via our weekly newsletter below. Don't forget to visit our career site as well for a complete listing of our available emergency medicine careers.  

Most Patients Don't Visit Nearest ER
from Fierce Healthcare

Fewer than half of emergency department (ED) visits are to the patient's local emergency room, according to a new data brief from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)...

liability-press-conferenceACEP Leaders Visit Washington, D.C., to Support Health Care Safety Net Enhancement Act
from ACEP Now

Medical liability reform for physicians who practice in emergency departments is essential to improving the delivery of patient care, saving costs, and protecting patients in a medical emergency, said Alex M. Rosenau, DO, CPE, FACEP, immediate Past President of ACEP. He was joined today by Representative Charlie Dent (R-PA), who introduced legislation—the Health Care Safety Net Enhancement Act of 2015—to improve emergency care for patients...

The Three "Hows" of Physician Compensation
from Lexology 

New care delivery models and healthcare reimbursement trends are heating up the market for hospital employment of physicians yet again, but does a productivity-based compensation model still work in this environment? 

obamacare-322043-editedMass. Hospitals Say Obamacare Isn't to Blame for ER Upticks
from Biz Journals

Though health systems throughout the country are blaming increased emergency room visits on Obamacare, those in the Bay State seeing upticks said the Affordable Care Act isn't to blame. Those with increasing emergency room visits are in the minority — only seven out of 17 health system analyzed saw upticks from fiscal 2013 to 2014...

TCEP15 | Top 5 Reasons to Practice Emergency Medicine in Texas
from EMrecruits
What's not to love about Texas? The Lone Star State offers some fantastic Tex-Mex, vibrant entertainment destinations, warm weather, and a booming economy...

Geriatric ED Boot Camp Offers Collaborative Onsite Educational Outreach Pilot
from ACEP Now

Are you aware that the Institute of Medicine estimates that health care systems require, on average, 17 years for 14 percent of high-quality, practice-changing research to reach the bedside? Multiple leaks in the “knowledge translation pipeline” contribute to this knowledge decay at the patient–provider interface, led by awareness and acceptance...

How Teamwork, Trust and Improved Communication Reduce Mistakes in the ER
from Fierce Healthcare

It's so easy to think you've communicated a message clearly. After all, you understand the instructions, so it only stands to reason that the person receiving them must also understand what you meant...

Six Things that Could Kill the SGR Fix
from Modern Healthcare

Congress is closer than ever to finally repealing and replacing the Medicare physician-payment system. But with the March 31 deadline to act on the sustainable growth-rate formula a week away, there are at least six potential landmines that could derail the surprise $200 billion-plus deal...

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